Wellbeing Return 4 Education
Mental Health services have teamed up to provide a local delivery offer that includes:
- Training- interactive webinar with groups/clusters of schools
- Ongoing cluster consultation (monthly) focus groups to support embedding well-being across the school
- Support with measuring well-being and measuring impact of your work in school
- Development of a city/county wide website for CYP that is a ‘one-stop’ site for advice, guidance and signposting
- CBT based support groups for school staff
- Mental Health referral support for individuals (staff and students)
- The ‘Time for Wellbeing Calendar’ –Cathy Mahmood-http://bit.ly/ChalleNGeTFW
- Dissemination of support and training videos for you to use with school staff
Useful documents
- Recovery Handbook
- Teacher guide primary
- Teacher guide secondary
- Primary school calendar
- Secondary school calendar
- Wellbeing for education return presentation
- YouTube menu